Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Note to 8E

Please remember your stuff for the party

They are collecting toys tomorrow for the Transition House (battered women's shelter) for the kids who will be there over the Christmas break. If you have any toys or books in good condition or new which you would like to contribute, that would be great.

Remember your project on Terres Humides!

8D Christmas Party!

Tomorrow's our last day! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

Please be reminded that our pot-luck will now start at 10:30 (ish) in the morning, so that we're finished in time for our noon dismissal - so bring your things with you in the morning -

Also, please don't forget your $5.00 donation to the Fredericton Food Bank - if you're doing the Christmas Angels activity, you should be bringing in $5.00 as well. Those of you who opted to not do the Angels are certainly welcome to bring a donation as well - it will be put to good use!

You will find out who your Angel is tomorrow, so don't forget to think of a way to thank them - a card or small treat is perfectly acceptable!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Math 8DEF

Bring along the word problems that you did on page 151 as we will be going over those tomorrow in class.

Note to 8D and 8E

Make sure that your project on the Wetlands is completed and turned in before the Christmas break.

Note for 8E

We will be having our Christmas party on Thursday morning - please don't forget to bring your contribution if it is your turn to bring something.

Ben - cookies
Janica - candy canes
Rogan - chips
Kristen - cupcakes
Claire - cookies
Alicia - fruits
Jacklyne - plates and cups
Jessica - vegetables
Jeremy - ?
Chelsey - orange juice

If your name is not on the list and you want to bring something, that's fine. I will bring pop and take care of the games and prizes.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Social Studies Project for 8D and 8E

The little slip of paper I gave you is a guide to let you know the kind of information I am seeking. I do not want it in question answer form. I want a report that shows me that you know the importance of wetlands and what we can do to protect them. This project is due before I go home for Christmas break!

Math for 8DEF

Math test on Monday on multiplying and dividing fractions, illustrating fractions, order of operations and a couple of word problems.

All corrections need to be done to lessons 5C to 8 plus p. 155

Word problems on page 151 numbers 3-14 (3 to 10 were done for yesterday's homework)

Mrs. Rogers

LA 8D,E,F - Advertising webquest due Monday! Confer with your partner to decide who will do what over the weekend.

Science - Test Monday. Study your notes!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Math for 8DEF

Do word problems 6 - 10 on page 151 of the textbook.

All corrections are due from lessons 5C, 6, 7, 7b, 8

Math test is on Monday!

Mrs. Rogers

Science 8F - Test Monday. Study notes.

Soc St 8F - Finish Tourist Destination assignment. Fix Weather Powerpoint.

LA 8D,E,F - Advertising webquest due Monday

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

BIG NEWS for 8D and 8E

I know you're at home, working like little Christmas elves, trying to get your projects done!

Tomorrow afternoon, our team will be in the Theatre for a Christmas concert - this means that 8D won't have a class with me on I will let BOTH CLASSES show me their projects on Friday morning instead!

PLEASE don't stay up all night tonight to finish it - you have an extra night!!


Note for 8E

Crazy hat day or crazy sweater day tomorrow for the Spare some Change project supporting local food banks. $1 for the cause would be appreciated.

Math 8DEF

Sorry for not having the homework on the blog for the past two weeks but my computer has not been working correctly and I have been waiting for the Technician to fix it!

Math test on fractions coming up on Friday of this week or Monday of next.

Textbook p. 155 Nos 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 to be done - order of operations with fractions.

All corrections of lessons 5C, 6, 7, 7B, 8 in Fractions are due.

Mrs Rogers

Science 8F - Test Monday. Study notes!

SocSt 8F - Tourist Destination assignment due tomorrow morning. Drop box will
be closed before 10am.

LA 8D,E,F - Advertising webquest assignment due Monday, Dec.20.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mtrs. Rogers

Science 8F - Test this Friday. Study your notes.
Some students have overdue assignments.

LA 8D,E,F - Advertising Unit (Webquest and product) due Monday. It should be
worked on at home, as well as in class.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mrs Rogers

8F LA - Red Riding Hood assignment due tomorrow.

8F SocSt - Quiz next week on Water forms and landforms. Study!
- Tourist Destination due tomorrow.

Finish all overdue assignments!

8D, 8E LA - Work on your Advertising web quest

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mrs. Rogers

8F LA - Red Riding Hood assignment due Friday Dec.10

8F Science - Scientific Method definitions overdue!

8F SocSt - Waterforms/Landforms questions overdue!
- Quiz next week on Wetlands, Water forms, Landforms notes. Study!
- Landform/Water form Destination activity due Fri, Dec.10.

Students should have homework, including Math from Mme Harrison, every night.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mrs Rogers

8F science - Scientific Method definitions due Friday

There are still many overdue assignments in all subjects.

Treasure Island at the Playhouse tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mrs Rogers

8D, 8E LA - Red Riding Hood activity is now overdue.

8F LA - Book cover/letter to the author is overdue.

8F Science - How Its Made powerpoint is overdue.

8F SocSt - Waterforms definitions overdue. Finish atlas activity.

Bring report card envelope, netbook form.

We will be attending a performance of Treasure Island at the Playhouse this Friday.